Rickie Arthur
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Rickie Arthur aged 24 is a Londoner by birth (Hackney) but for most of his life has lived in Newport, Wales, where he has built up a strong Welsh fan base. His often commented good looks owe much to his mixed Welsh and Italian genes. Rickie is fast gaining recognition as a stunning all round performer and rising star in his own right. With a 52 date UK tour, numerous European appearances and plans for an American tour in the future, 2011/12 is set to be the busiest yet.
Rickie Arthur aged 24 is a Londoner by birth (Hackney) but for most of his life has lived in Newport, Wales, where he has built up a strong Welsh fan base. His often commented good looks owe much to his mixed Welsh and Italian genes. Rickie is fast gaining recognition as a stunning all round performer and rising star in his own right. With a 52 date UK tour, numerous European appearances and plans for an American tour in the future, 2011/12 is set to be the busiest yet.
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Rolling Stones March 2023
Rickie Arthur aged 24 is waiting for a callback from a successful audition for the Voice UK 2013.
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Rickies superb performances have won him rave reviews, building a huge fan base & receiving well wishes from all over the world.
Rickies acclaimed 52 Theatre shows in the UK & Offshore were part of a very big tour set up by promoters playing a total of over 150 venues across the UK in 2011.